Thanks for your replies.

On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 15:30:43 +1300 Corrin Lakeland wrote:

> When was the last time you fscked the partition?

Your reply had me go fsck both my partitions, / and /home. The /
partition had no errors, but the /home partition had a few, which could
account for about 1% of the 12187 files reported by tiger. The other 99%
are still unaccounted for, though.

On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 22:19:05 -0600 (CST) Mike Barushok wrote:

> It might be that something corrupted the /etc/passwd file
> in such a way that one or more entries were either not
> 'readable' or had a duplicate entry. You might want to try
> running pwck.

# pwck -r
user news: directory /var/spool/news does not exist
user uucp: directory /var/spool/uucp does not exist
user majordom: directory /usr/lib/majordomo does not exist
user postgres: directory /var/lib/postgres does not exist
user msql: directory /var/lib/msql does not exist
user list: directory /var/list does not exist
user gnats: directory /var/lib/gnats/gnats-db does not exist
user telnetd: directory /usr/lib/telnetd does not exist
user mysql: directory /var/lib/mysql does not exist
pwck: no changes

Although I'd rather not get any messages from any checking program,
these seem to be harmless and unrelated to the issue.

Visual inspection of passwd and shadow doesn't help, both look OK.

Any more thoughts?

Carlos Sousa

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