On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 14:19:52 +0200 (IST), <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >I'm thinking about using qmail as the smtp(only have access from the mail >relay server)/pop3 server (from what I've read this is a very secure >software). any suggestions about what ftp server should I run (is proftpd >secure enough)?
I've switched to vsftpd (there's a deb in Woody), which works fine and is said to be written very securely, though it's not as full featured as others. (I haven't tried any others, apart from the stock Debian ftpd - there have been so many security problems with daemons based on the old BSD codebase that it seems worth switching to one that's completely new and unrelated.) Nick Boyce Bristol, UK -- "... the fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by the superficial design flaws." Douglas Adams(1952 - 2001): So Long and Thanks For All The Fish.