On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 12:56:48PM +0100, Luis Gomez wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Great, but how about nessus-plugins?
> Your nessusd depends on nessus-plugins >= 1.3 , and Sarge provides 
> nessus-plugins 1.0.something, I think, so nessusd won't install.

        Yep. It's missing the debian package, uploading now.
> I see some nessus-plugins files in your site (some gzipped stuff), do I have 
> to do something special with them? (sorry, no good at Debian packaging)
        The nessus-plugin stuff is the source package, in order to make the
packages yourself just do:

$ dpkg-source -x  nessus-plugins_2.0.0-1.dsc
$ cd nessus-plugins-2.0.0
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

        That should make the same .deb I'm uploading right now.


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