You can quote Ben Franklin all you want,  but Ben Franklin's world was a far simpler, easy to
undersand and clearly not as geographical world as ours is today. 

I'm sure if Ben was alive today, he'd have a much more "updated" and relative quote than a quote
that was intended for the times he lived in.

Quoting someone who lived in the 1700's is certainly interesting, but rememeber, these are the same
folks that enslaved blacks and killed Indian's.  Time's have changed, the world is different.

If you asked me 2 years ago "Hey, do you think some nut job's will attack and fly plane's into the
WTC?".  I would have laughed and said "nah, never happen.".  Today, I've been re-schooled, and
I'm an old man (38), I believe anything is now possible even in the United State's.

As far as your theory that the military should have not allowed the plane's to hit anything?

Well, let's be honest here.  Those were commercial flights, 2 of which originated from my
hometown (Boston). They were carrying people, just like you and I and up until 30 seconds before
the disaster, we had no reason to believe that the flight was hostile
(other than the sporadic communication of the poor folks on the plan using their cell phones).

And about the plan that crashed in PA, Consiracy?  Sure, you can think that if you want. 
However, I kind of like to think that our goverment felt that it was the last resort to down a plane that
had civilian's on it -- if that's what happened -- and then make them out to be hero's.  I like
that ending better than your's.  Knowing the real truth  (if thats what happened) doesn't change
anything about what happened -- they still died, and had the plane made it's destination, I think
we'd all been a little sadder -- if we could have possibly been any sadder.

Let's face it, the original thread mentioned the FBI and CIA snooping and gaining information
about us and being "big brother" ala 1984.  I don't fear that at all, I feel confident.knowing that
there is an organization trying to stop terrorists, bad guys or whatever.  If it takes me giving up
some of my freedom's knowing my children will be safe -- so be it.

My quote was wrong, I should have said "the price OF freedom has A cost".  My feeling has
alway's been that you can't have Freedom without having paid for it in some way.

We're paying right now by letting some of the little things of our Freedom go.  It's a small price
to know when I wake up everyday, I can still be "free" to do what I enjoy doing, live where I
want, vote for who I want etc.


Ted Parvu wrote:
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 01:10:29PM -0500, Gary MacDougall wrote:
Maybe you should talk to the family of the 3300 people in the WTC that 
died because the FBI, CIA
or Special Services didn't have or couldn't intercept the many mail, fax 
and cell phone communications
that went between the cowards that flew planes into the buildings.

You know, I feel safer now than I did on 9-11.  The price of freedom is 


Hmm, the price of freedom is costly....

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Ben Franklin

Perhaps you would do well to consider that the US military should never
have allowed those planes to hit anything.

Why don't you google what the standing intercept orders are for aircraft
that stray off course or that lose communications.  Then ask yourself
why only the plane that was headed for the Whitehouse was downed.

The Washington propaganda machine is in full force in this country.  Use
the Net to understand what is really going on here.  





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