At 23:29 Uhr +0100 08.03.2003, Olaf Dietsche wrote:
Christian Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > I began working with (unix/)linux.)  And as written in my other reply
 > I'm still missing a better alternative to
 > /root/bin. "/local-admin's-software/bin" maybe? AFAIK, the FHS does
 > not provide any.

Maybe /usr/local/sbin is, what you're looking for?

No, this is still a directory generally used for local tar.gz installs. And sbin is for admins, bin for users, right?.

(The suggestion to use /opt/* is ok. It's (as I've just realized) even what the FHS stipulates: "the directories /opt/bin, /opt/doc, /opt/include, /opt/info, /opt/lib, and /opt/man are reserved for local system administrator use". Hmm, Debian does not create any of the /opt (and /opt/{bin,doc,include,info,lib,man}), /var/opt, and /etc/opt directories in it's standard installation, and does not even mention those in the policy (chapter 10.1). I'll maybe have to set up cfengine to create those.. ;-).)


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