>> Find this hard to believe?  Then you are not paying attention.

>I'm afraid you are the one who has not been paying attention. The US 
>can't have peace when there are people with chemical and biological 
>>weapons who would be willing to die to destroy the US.

Who do you think you are ??!!!

Why do you think iraq will destroy your holy USA ?? Don't you think Iraq
CAN attack any country on earth ?? using missiles that reach 110 to 180
kilometers, the iraq cant't destroy the US. I don not know whom the iraq
will attack but I think that they won't attack the US!!

USA wants to be a "global player",okay USA is a global player, but bush
plays a game that nobody wants to play!!

I agree that iraq shouldn be allowed to have biological/chemical or what
ever - weapons. BUT the US shouldn't either. 
NOBODY has the right to destroy/ or even harm anybody on this HOLY

I agree that the force that the US-Army by there presence in the
gulf-region puts on Saddam Hussein is good. I don't belive without the
presence of the Army sadam wouldn't do anything. BUT I hope that there
will be NO need to fight a war agains Saddam, besides a  psychological
war !!


Andreas Vitz

From: "The members of "old europe" "

(so, sorry for any bad english)

The truth has for sides:

Your side
Their side
The truth,
And that, what really happend

(Jean-Jacques Rousseau) 

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