On 2003/03/14 08:03:17PM +0100, Fri, Nils wrote:
> How do you monitor what network traffic you have and how much? I want to
> be able to see the origin and destination, type and volume.
> We have two computer labs, with its respective ISP-connections, both with
> volume based rates. These two sites are also connected to each other
> through a VPN. The volume between the two sites should really be marginal.
> Due to what we get charge by the ISP, we suspect a lot of non-sanctioned
> material (mp3..) being transported over smb. I would like to at least be
> able to monitor the volume from respective computer going through the
> firewall (and the VPN).

check out flowscan


it gets close to what you want, assuming all the traffic is passing
through a cisco router. it can get the type of traffic and the
source/destination asn.


If there was any justice, my face would be on a bunch of crappy merchandise!
--Homer Simpson
  Flaming Moe's

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