On Tuesday 18 March 2003 04:13 pm, Haim Ashkenazi wrote:
> Hi

> A friend just asked me this question and I got curious. say I'm equipped
> with a linux laptop and some knowledge, I can walk into a company that uses
> NIS, find out the settings (NISDOMAIN, free ip address, etc...) and join
> their domain. now I can login as root on my computer, su to any user and
> see/change/delete his files. is it that easy?

Yes, quite.  NIS uses no authentication whatsoever.

> of-course, administrators should protect their mounts with netgroups
> permissions, and users should protect their important files with
> encryption, but how many of these you see?

Not many.  The problems you describe above are well-known.

> any ideas? suggestions?

Use LDAP and Kerberos instead of NIS.  They are equally or better supported
in every situation I know of.

- Keegan

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