On Sat Mar 22, 12:01pm -0600, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
> firewall runs
>       whois server - gwhois or jwhois?

No comment, I don't run any WHOIS servers.

>       iptables - firewall

iptables is fine, if you set it up properly.

>       bind9 - for external dns
>               <no connection between these two servers>

Also fine, if you set it up properly and keep an eye on bugtraq and
related for security issues.

>       NAT from internal SQUID server to internet

I shall assume this is firewalled.

>       ntp - time server for internal
>               <safe to run this on the firewall?>

No comment, I do run a bunch of ntp servers, but they're all internal
and firewalled (so I haven't done any audits or anything).

> host(s) inside the firewall
>       smtp server - exim4

Fine, if you set it up properly and track security issues (has a decent

>       dhcp3-server for internal

See above.

>       bind9 - for internal dns

See above.

>       squid - http proxy

See above.

>       webserver - apache for internal and external
>               domain.com
>               internal.domain.com
>               <both on same server>

Fine, if you set it up properly and track security issues.

For those daemons which aren't known to be riddled with holes and
issues, you'll only be okay if you set them up properly and monitor for
security issues - you can't ever get out of that.

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