On Wednesday 26 March 2003 15:16, Michael West wrote:

Hi there,

how about :

http_port xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8000
tcp_outgoing_address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
udp_outgoing_address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

in the squid config and run squid as daemon ?


> I would like to bind squid to a specific interface.
> I thought the easy way to do this would be with xinetd, but I get:
> Mar 26 06:05:09 localhost squid: Cannot open HTTP Port
> Mar 26 06:05:49 localhost last message repeated 10 times
> When I try to use it.  Normally this would mean there is a squid process
> already running, but there is no other squid process.
> service squid
> {
>         disable         = no
>         socket_type     = stream
>         wait            = no
>         user            = root
>         bind            =
>         server          = /usr/sbin/squid
>         server_args        = -N -D -YC -u0
> }
> What am I doing wrong with xinetd?  What other ways are there to make
> squid bind to an interface?
>      ~Michael

Bisping & Bisping GmbH & Co. KG                          Michael Streb
internet and network                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spitalstrasse 21-24-26                         phone +49-9123-9740-630
D-91207 Lauf a. d. Pegnitz                        fax +49-9123-9740-97
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