On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 10:50:48AM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:11:58PM +0100, Sven Hoexter wrote:
> > Well yes it could :) As long as the user has no valid password it's not very
> > usefull. Take a look into the /etc/shadow and in the second field you'll 
> > find
> > ! or * indicating that this user has a invalid password. See man 5 shadow.
> That's hardly true.  If an attacker could somehow create an ssh
> authorized_keys file, they could log in without a password.
and if he can somehow create the non existing home dir.
or if he can somehow change the $HOME ... oh forgot when he has the power to
somehow change the $HOME he can change the $SHELL or if he can edit the
/etc/passwd he's root ... who cares about nobody.

Yeah there are so many side conditions that could happen, what a horror - time
to take the internet offline. *hrhr*

Well at least you shouldn't run all your daemons under one uid. Create one for
the ftpd one for your httpd and so on.

It really sucks to give your heart to a girl
You want to know her like she knows the whole world
But 10 seconds in, it's obvious, your going nowhere...
[Bowling for Soup - Drunk Enough To Dance - I Don't Wanna Rock]

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