On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 08:56:06PM +0200, Nils Radtke wrote:
>       Hi,
>  maybe "xinetd -d" gives a hint?
>       kind regards,
>               Nils Radtke
     I figured this out.  The key log messages was:

localhost xinetd[29274]: Deactivating service apt-proxy due to excessive 
incoming connections. 

     A single `apt-get update` creates many connections.  I had:


               instances = 8


at the top of my /etc/xinetd.conf.  apt-get needs more than this.  The
highest number of connection I saw was 12.  I changed my apt?proxy
service to include "instances = 20" and it works fine now.

Thanks for your help!


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