On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 02:47:52PM +0200, Konstantin wrote:
> I need a spam filter, but I need one which works with sendmail and is
> not spamassasin(the system needs an old perl 5.0.X), but spamassasin
> needs perl 5.6

When I set up spamassassin on a potato system, I installed perl from
source with --prefix=/usr/local/perl5.6.  Then, to install spamassassin,
I was able to simply run
/usr/local/perl5.6/bin/perl -MCPAN -e "install Mail::SpamAssassin"

The spamassassin executables were left in /usr/local/perl5.6/bin/ but I
symlinked them to /usr/local/bin.

I had no problems with that setup and it worked for several months.
Once woody came out and included perl5.6 I no longer required that


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