Felipe Martínez Hermo, 2003-Apr-16 18:23 +0100:
>       So far, I also prefer IPSec because it seems to be the most 
> standard-compliant implementation, but I want to know my options.
>       I have just bought Kolesnikov's book, but I have not started with it 
> yet.
>       One last thing: shold I set up a router (and so start with 
> Adv-router-HOWTO) 
> or should I go directly to FreeSwan Documentation?
>       I am a little puzzled and I don't know what to start with.
> Thanks for your help

Be careful in assuming that IPSec is "standard-compliant".  It's more
of a reference model for implimentors to use.  Interoperability
between different implimenations is sketchy and usaully only works in
a very basic configuration, such as Main Mode (as opposed to Agressive
Mode) and with Pre-shared keys (as opposed to certificates).

Since you have Windows PC's on the road, be sure that there are
available clients that interoperate with FreeSwan.


Jeff Coppock            Systems Engineer
Diggin' Debian          Admin and User

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