Greetings list,

Le Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 20:01:57 -0500, Greg Norris a écrit:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 12:46:38AM +0100, Nick Boyce wrote:
> > The fix is in vanilla kernel 2.4.20 as I understand it, and it sounds
> > like some people here are downloading that source for their Woody i386
> > systems.
> By "vanilla", do you mean the "Linus kernel" from  If so,
> the fix was incorporated into 2.4.21-pre6... 2.4.20 wasn't updated.

i don't know exactly what you mean by fixed, but the ptrace fix was
backported all the way to the 2.2.x series (and i think to the 2.0.x as
well), as usual. 2.2's is 2.2.25.

i don't mean to come off as snarky or obnoxious, it's just that your
statement seemed unclear to me :).

btw, anyone know if PPC kernels have had the grsec patch apply cleanly
to mainline source? as i use xfs fs, the patching is rather
extensive, and i haven't had much luck with it. i spent more than a week
trying to compile a grsec'd kernel, with freeswan (freeswan applied
clean, as did xfs except for one very minor .rej). as this is my server
box as well, until we can afford to get another machine, i need grsec to 
apply well :). i tried with debian kernel-source-2.4.20-*.deb as well;
no go.

though seeing from previous posts, the various issues i had are resolved, but
PAX_* anything on PPC is unusable (all i get is "this is unsupported on
this architecture"), and even with grsec turned off, i had problems
writing to /tmp, including startup scripts.

sorry for the long-winded possibly OT message O_O. 


UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are.          
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