On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, Arthur van Dorp wrote:

> Todays security advisory about openssl speaks about possibly breaking
> existing applications:
> > Unfortunately, RSA blinding is not thread-safe and will cause failures
> > for programs that use threads and OpenSSL such as stunnel.  However,
> > since the proposed fix would change the binary interface (ABI),
> > programs that are dynamically linked against OpenSSL won't run
> > anymore.  This is a dilemma we can't solve.
> As I use stunnel I wonder what these problems might be. I've updated my
> testing machine which is set up similar to my production server and
> didn't find a problem yet. But my testing possibilities are limited on
> this machine.

I guess you won't get these problems when you are running stunnel in
pipe or pipe-client mode. It is supposed to run in multi-threaded mode
only when it is listening on a port.

Just my guess.


Robert Varga

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