Hans van Leeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> My company has created an application that allows remote users to edit 
> their DNS-records. This app needs to restart bind on the remote nameservers.

This is a poor way to do dynamic DNS.

> I have decided to do this thrue SSH by putting the client key in 
> authorized_keys2. But this seems a little risky, so I was wondering if 
> it was possible to get sshd to only allow the client MAC-address.

I think you're probably trying to solve the wrong problem here, but you
can add a "command=/usr/bin/dowhatever" directive to the line for your
key in authorized_keys, and when that key is used to log in, that's the
command that gets run. This will reduce your risk somewhat.
Sam "Eddie" Couter  |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Developer    |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    |  jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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