Hello all,

My new problem is not exactly debian-related but is surely security-related :-) Anyway, I need desperately your security expertise so here it goes:

I am running a proprietary tacacs+ server that comes bundled with its own web server used as management interface. The web server is also commercial (a netscape server) on which it is nearly impossible to enable SSL. As you can imagine, I need to access the web interface through SSL..

Is it possible to create an SSL tunnel using stunnel or something similar to protect the web transactions? How can this be done? Another solution that I am thinking of (and prefer) is setting up a proxy apache-ssl server on the same machine (or another machine on the same DMZ) so that SSL communication is conducted with the proxy across the firewall and unecrypted traffic is confined in the DMZ. Is that possible? Can anybody help me in any way with such a configuration?

Thanks all in advance.

Costas Magos
Ariadne-t Network
Please do not CC me, as I am subscribed to debian-security

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