Saturday, May 24, 2003, 9:01:01 AM, 
(debian-security) wrote:

Ian> Thanks for that. I have cheap netgear switch at the moment connected to one
Ian> of the network's hubs. If
Ian> I invested in an expensive switch (like cisco or something) that could go 
Ian> lower layers then would I find
Ian> that this traffic went away? The reason I ask is that my friends server in
Ian> redbus doesn't have this problem...

Yes, more expensive switches will have support for VLANs, which you
can use to segment broadcast domains.

| Eddie J Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|]> |
|  AIM: Uncaring Eyes ICQ: 35576339 YHOO: edmcman2   |
|  "We Trills have an expression -- at forty, you    |
|  think you know everything. At four hundred you    |
|  realize you know nothing." - Dax, Startrek DS9    |

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