On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 07:59, Stefan Neufeind wrote:
> But afaik you run into real problems when you try to use suexec with 
> php, don't you? Or has anybody managed to get this running correctly? 
> (for Apache 1.3.x !!!).

There *are* issues with running suExec + php.  First, php must be run as
a cgi - you can't use mod_php.  This introduces performance issues,
since mod_php is much faster than a executing a standalone php
interperter for each page requested.  Next, you have to decide whether
you want to have the interperter executable inside or outside the web
root.  Outside is safer - but then your scripts have to have 


at the top - although there are ways around that too.   Google has some
success stories where people managed to get it to work.

- Jon

> On 6 Jun 2003 at 17:06, Wade Richards wrote:
> > On 06 Jun 2003 16:15:37 PDT, Jon writes:
> > >I believe Apache would still be executing php/cgi scripts as
> > >www-data, so users could snoop on other users's scripts, session
> > >files, etc.
> > >
> > >Something like:
> > ><?php echo `ls ../neighbor/public_html`; ?>
> > 
> > I suggest you look up the suEXEC Apache module, it seems to do exactly
> > what you want.

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