I have had some problems with attempted hacks on
my box and posted here the last few days. So
I've been checking the processing running on my
box and I see this.
28406 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/sendmail -i
-FCronDaemon -odi -oem root

I have postfix installed, and I'm not sure if
this is a normal thing, or else a rogue process,
or just a cron job that got stuck. As around the
sametime my apache and apache-ssl both restarted
wtih errors below. And this command has been
running. I looked it up in google and only found
4 instances of it, most in other languages so it
makes me think that it is not a normal process
that should be running. If someone knows please
share the info. Thanks for the help.

apache/error.log:[Thu Jun 19 06:27:27 2003]
[notice] SIGUSR1 received.  Doing graceful
apache/error.log:[Thu Jun 19 06:27:28 2003]
[warn] module config_log_module is already
loaded, sk

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