On Sat, Jun 21, 2003 at 01:12:02AM -0700, Blars Blarson wrote:
> Shouldn't the security team have a gpg key available so confidential
> messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] can be sent encrypted?

That's probably why the Debian Security Team FAQ says:

[from http://www.debian.org/security/faq]

Q: How can I reach the security team?

A: Security information can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is
supposed to be read by all Debian developers. If you have sensitive
information please use [EMAIL PROTECTED] which only the members
of the security team read. If desired email can be encrypted with the
Debian Security Contact key (key ID 0x363CCD95).

This FAQ was two links off of the www.debian.org home page.



+ It's simply not       | John Keimel            +
+ RFC1149 compliant!    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        +
+                       | http://www.keimel.com  +

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