On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 11:02:53AM +0100, Dale Amon wrote:
> There is another common case I'd not mentioned. Since I do a lot
> of development work, I tend to have a *lot* of servers installed
> on my laptop, ready to run, but only when I need them. I do this
> entirely manually at present. I'd like to have the option of installing
> a package and marking it to not be started or run at boot time.
> Just because I want it available does not at all mean I want it
> running all the time.

My business is just like yours.  Since I've always managed the
/etc/rc?.d directories by hand the [trivial] solutuin for me
is to remove the symlinks the install scripts create.  You can
also use update-rc or whatever Debian calls it.


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