On Thursday, 2003-12-04 at 01:46:43 +0100, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> > Nah, just look at /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/pci (or use lspci), dmesg, etc
> > It's almost all there for you. Not like the old days...

> lshw is fine for collecting the above information. If you need more
> detection try discover (Progeny) or Kudzu (Redhat) both available in debian.

Before I install Debian or when I need fine hardware detection
afterwards, I boot Knoopix on the system. IIRC that uses kudzu.

Selecting them right modules on new hardware you barely know is always a
challenge, so a Life CD Debian is very handy. I carry a Knoppix with me
at almost any time... And a Debian Stable CD 1.

Lupe Christoph
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |           http://www.lupe-christoph.de/ |
| "Violence is the resort of the violent" Lu Tze                         |
| "Thief of Time", Terry Pratchett                                       |

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