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> > > >> Does this mean, that a well known exploit was kept back for nearly
> > > >> three weeks, just because some odd vendors were unable to build
> > > >> there kernels in time?
> > > >
> > > > Yes, this is the norm.  Debian hides security bugs from its users for
> > > > extended periods of time.
> > >
> > > Yes but this have a reason. Before upload a fix this need be available
> > > in all supported archs and tested since major or users install it
> > > trusting Debian Security Team and 'cause of this, should not fail ;-)
> >
> > Well, of course you might have quite good reasons for doing so, but for
> > me, this is quite a good reason for changing the distri or os.
> > Hiding unfixed holes is one thing (and I appreciate that partly) but
> > hiding already fixed packages is quite astonishing and you cannot tell me
> > you need more than two weeks to test a simple correction.
> Take it easy. 

I take security threads serious. Think of beeing avoidable vulnerable for 
nearly three weeks is a pain in my stomach.

>  Maybe you are right, you should switch to another O/S.  I
> bet you they coordinate and delay disclosure as well.  Or better yet,
> you can switch to MS, which you are lucky if you get a patch in 2 weeks
> time.

M$, you are kidding ;)

> Look at it this way:
> Debian Security Team (DST) finds out about a security bug from an
> organization (let's say CERT for the sake of discussion).  CERT asks
> Debian to prepare for release but delay disclosure until further notice
> so all the CERT Coordinated Vendors (I believe Debian is one) can get on
> board.  Debian decides to go against CERT and release immediately after
> the fix is made.  CERT then decides they will no longer tell DST in
> advance since they breached trust.  DST then finds out about the
> vulnerability the same time the "rest" of the world does.  DST then
> rushes about (after the announcement) to put together a package and
> release a DSA.  By now they are several hours or a day behind everyone
> else.
> Would you still prefer DST ignore coordinated release schedules?  If
> so...perhaps you are correct...you could switch to a different O/S or
> Distro.  Let's see:
> RedHat....Going Commercial..hope you have a deep pocket book. (BTW, they
> obey coordinated releases also).
> Fedora....Still in it's infancy and organizing from the RedHat break
> off.
> Mandrake...They have Coordinated releases too.
> Any other distro....do they have security releases?

But the dominance of the CERT is excactly the point I'm criticising. Even it 
is necessary to coordinate the sec affords - imho fixies should be applied if 
they are ready and not if some organisation say so.

> Anyhow, please sit back, take a few deep breaths and stop throwing such
> a stink.


> > May I ask you what local / remote root exploit-fixes are you holding back
> > currently? Should I switch of my sshd for the next few days or does the
> > current bash have an unfixed local root exploit?
> Not worth answering

Please don't take it serious - it was meant to be ironic. I beg you pardon, if 
you are insulted by that.

> > This is exactly the same policy M$ have - but the point is, you could at
> > least inform your users.
> Yes, inform the users, let the ENTIRE hack community know, don't provide
> a fix.  Then the release coordinator (CERT) gets mad at you...see above.
> How is this any better?

This is not what I'm talking about - unfixed vuln. must be held back.

> > An unknown local root exploit was one of the key parts in the debian
> > server compromise and we have all seen the consequences.
> Yes, it was.  There are probably several hundred "unknown local root
> exploits".  The source code is open, why not put your words into action
> and start finding some flaws?

I neither have the knowlegde nor the time for doing that.
But the point at is, that these vuln. are not avoidable at the moment - the 
last has been avoidable for nearly three weeks.

> > Surely, you can see, that I want to keep this risk as small as possible
> > on my servers.
> I do also.

well, it seems, that we agreed at last ;)

Keep smiling
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