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Subject: Please kick and ban Jonathan Walther for racism, was: Re: [ox-en] 
Date: Wednesday 25 February 2004 16:20
From: Tacincala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > http://reactor -core.org/discrimination/

And the above page is described like this:

  This is obviously one of the smartest places on the
  Net, and the articles they have listed are excellent

  - Birdman links this page rather than the home page,

  but if your IQ is beyond the single digits, it will
  not be difficult to discern why.

  http://www.the birdman.org/Index/Index-Links.html

Just after a link to a Oswald Mosley site...

Keeping virtual company with sties like this says all
that needs to be said - please kick and ban this

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"Mind you, I am not asking you to bear witness to what you believe false, 
which would be a sin, but to testify falsely to what you believe true - which 
is a virtuous act because it compensates for lack of proof of something 
that certainly exists or happened." Bishop Otto to Baudolino in Umberto Eco's 

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