On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 12:18:32AM +0100, I.R. van Dongen wrote:
> Richard Atterer wrote:
> >On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 10:00:58PM +0100, I.R. van Dongen wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>You might want to check tinc (http://tinc.nl.linux.org)
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >I strongly recommend *not* to use tinc. 
> ><http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/249142> illustrates that the
> >authors didn't have enough expertise to build a secure tool 2 years ago.
> >The problems were still present last autumn, see
> ><http://www.mit.edu:8008/bloom-picayune/crypto/14238>. What a track record!
> >
> >With VPN software, IPSec is the only real option if you want to be certain
> >it is secure.
> > 
> >
> Nice, the first article is based on a alpha version (pre-beta) of tinc, 
> you didn't include the official answer.

IMHO, the key words in Richard's posting are ``[not] enough expertise'',
and ``a track record''.  The idea that the [conceptual] flaws will be
fixed in The Next Release [TM], although quite common amongst the
people, is a mere instance of a proof by wishful thinking.  Clueless
authors will always produce crappy software, regardless of how long
they've been in the business.

> This sounds alot like FUD, are you the author of a compeditive product?

Occasionally, I author thoughts and speeches that require the audience to
use their brain.  Does it count?


``You know those mail clients:  MS Outlook, mail(1), or even telnet(1).
  All of them suck.  This one just sucks less.''

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