On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 06:25, Norbert Tretkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Milan P. Stanic wrote:
> > Can I put in version something like libselinux1_1.6-0.1-bp.mps_i386.deb
> > instead of libselinux1_1.6-0.1_i386.deb?
> Well, if 1.6-0.1 will be in our next stable release, your backport
> will not be replaced with the version from stable.
> I'd suggest using libselinux1_1.6-0.0-bp.mps_i386.deb instead.

Actually there was already a 1.6-1 release which will be in stable (unless we 
get newer versions first).

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