On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 07:32:47PM +0000, Toby Batch wrote:
> I'm new to this  list (and to debian) so please forgive me if this is 
> not the correct place for this question.

You should have filed a bug against the cfs package instead, or in this
case rather against the nfs-kernel-server or kernel-image package I

> # apt-get install cfs
> Starting cfs: localhost:/var/lib/cfs/.cfsfs: Function not implemented
> mountd... mount: localhost:/var/lib/cfs/.cfsfs failed, reason given by 
> server: Permission denied

I've never seen this before and cannot reproduce it.

> Also after some experimentation i have found that i am unable to mount a 
> local nfs share, having added this to my /etc/exports:
> /tmp/testdir   localhost(rw)
> When i restart the nfs server I get:
> # /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
> Stopping NFS kernel daemon: mountd nfsd.
> Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...done.
> Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...localhost:/tmp: Function 
> not implemented
> done.
> Starting NFS kernel daemon: nfsd mountd.

This lets me guess that the problem isn't in cfs but in another involved
package.  cfs requires that mounting an nfs export from localhost works.

HTH, Gerrit.
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