Werner Macho was heard to utter, at roughly 18/03/04 12:27:

On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 12:31, Dale Amon wrote:

On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 12:03:29PM +0100, Jan Dittberner wrote:

Such a script exists in testing

yep it does, but unfortunately with dependencies, and i don't want my
stable system getting confused.
allthough i think debian is managing that thing very fine i must remark
that in the past a few things getting fu$%ed-up by mixing stable and

So you've got two options:

1. Rebuild the package for stable (at least one script in there requires python 2.3 but not checkrestart AFAICT). You you'll need to change the deps for python in debian/control before building for it to be installable.

2. Download the deb from the website, extract it using ar and tar, then copy out the script 'checkrestart'. You'll need to make sure you have lsof and python installed.

I did the former and checkrestart works fine.

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