On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 10:01:14PM +0100, Jan Lühr wrote:
> Greetings,
> Am Montag, 22. März 2004 21:16 schrieb Bryan Allen:
> > On Mar 22, 2004, at 2:57 PM, Jan Lühr wrote:
> > > Cron is another example - the be honest, the debian security team
> > > seems to be
> > > crippled by the debian release policy.
> > > Because of this policy debian stable is insecure by definition.
> >
> > http://security.debian.org/
> >
> > You are asked on install if you would like to use it. The default is
> > "yes".
> <irony>
> I did so, but I didn't get all necessary patches - did I do something wrong?
> </irony>

You opened a bug on cron and supplied links to the patches you're
talking about, right?  For some reason I don't see any open bugs on
cron with your name on them.

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.

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