On torsdag 3. juni 2004, 20:24, s. keeling wrote:
> > This is a bad suggestion.  My ISP requires us (by blocking port 25
> > outbound) to use their SMTP server.  Therefore I cannot connect to
> > the
> Considering 60% - 80% of the traffic these days is crap, this is
> beginning to look like a fairly reasonable restriction.  If you can
> figure out how to have SMTP negotiate that your ISP legitimately
> handles mail for your domain, that's the only way around it I can
> see.
> There are a lot of spam friendlies out there for whom no amount of
> reporting spam will have any effect on their actions.  Refusing
> forgeries is the only solution for those.

Then I think it is much more reasonable to let SpamAssassin or some 
other good spam scanner have a look at it, then reject in the SMTP 
dialogue based on not only a single characteristic. SA will also give 
hammy scores, so even if there is one spammy thing about the message, a 
few hammy things can let it pass through nevertheless. 

It is straightforward to set this up using the Exim4 backports and SA. 

Vennlig Tiddeli-bom,

Kjetil Kjernsmo
Astrophysicist/IT Consultant/Skeptic/Ski-orienteer/Orienteer/Mountaineer
Homepage: http://www.kjetil.kjernsmo.net/        OpenPGP KeyID: 6A6A0BBC

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