On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 04:24:35PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
One can pretend that the matter's open for debate, but that would be a
waste of time:  It's happening.

Sure it is. How do you manage to sleep, fixing all the email systems in
the world *and* evangelizing at the same time? Must be tough.

People who put significant stock in content-based filtering are pursuing
a losing antispam strategy.

All antispam strategies are a losing strategy, unless you're a zealot
who believes that everyone else in the world (and human nature) will
change. Every time you come up with a new fix someone else will come up
with a new strategy to avoid it. What's your strategy to cope with
perfectly valid smtp messages that just happen to contain spam?

They'll probably figure that out by themselves, eventually.  In either
case, not my problem.

Yet you can't seem to stop making it your problem. Curious.

Mike Stone

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