Quoting Michael Stone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> yeah, aol's pleased as punch about it. they also don't have much
> interest in customers sending email with @aol from off their own system
> unless they use an obnoxious webmail client. same goes for hotmail.
> anyone with users who isn't aol and whose users don't particularly want
> a webmail client needs to give things more thought.

Not that I'm objecting, but I can't help noticing that you're ignoring
the point I just made, and changing the subject.  

> Well, I guess the spammers will have to use different addresses. That
> shouldn't take long.

That's where reputations schemes (RHSBLs, greylisting, etc.) come in.
See:  "Throwaway Domains" on http://spf.pobox.com/objections.html

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