hi ya jaroslaw

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Jaroslaw Tabor wrote:

> In mean time, I've found additional way for spam filtering, but it
> requires some development. The basic idea is simple and already in use:
> We are allowing all emails from whitelits.

already done ... most MTA support a whitelist and blacklists

> For unknown sender, automated confirmation request is send. If
> confirmation comes, receiver can decide to put new sender on white or
> black list (by reply with prepared subject and token).

> I'm planning to develop this feauture, but It will be nice to hear from 
> what you thing about this idea.

if you're developing a challenge thingie ... don't bother ...
(i'll be the 6th to discourage your efforts on that front )

if you're writing a whitelist/blacklist stuff ... why ???

but if you're writting code to take incoming spam, and add it to
the blacklist automatically... that'd be tricky ...

        - what is the definition of "spam" ?
        (i say anyting that is left, after i finished reading the emails)
                - "hundred dozens" other definitions of "what is spam"

        - than i run my silly script and it all goes to the 'blacklist'

        - if you make your rbl ( blacklist ) available for others
        to use .. that has some merit .. as long as one can also
        prove that they spammed ya ( since spammers are sometimes sue
        happy )

- i hate and never reply to challenge systems and i go do business
        - even those silly whois database queries at the domain registrars
        are starting to get super annoying

c ya

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