First off, if you are not Richard Atterer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and you are strapped for time, I'd like to warn you in advance that this email is certified to contain less than ten percent useful content.

On Jun 10, 2004, at 6:10 AM, Richard Atterer wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 12:27:04PM +0300, Dmitry Golubev wrote:
I second that. If I receive a confirmation message I never respond to it!

If *I* receive a confirmation message, I always respond to it!

That's because all confirmation messages I get are in response to spam with
my address in the From field. If I confirm, the person sending me the
confirmation message will be delivered the spam. If more people did this,
confirmation senders would notice that the system doesn't work.

Well, you're just an asshole. It has been said that without assholes we'd all explode, but I expect quite a few people would explode from coming onto contact with you. You seem to be subscribed with an email concocted especially for this list. Maybe you don't like a lot of SPAM in your main account, I don't know. I do wonder what would happen if I were to remove the "list04." portion and repaste the rest here. But I'm not that malicious. Confirmation systems probably DO work rather well, because most people aren't as malicious as you. And it's simple to add your email to a blacklist, as I'll probably end up doing. Furthermore, many spam messages come from invalid addresses that cannot respond. Current systems are probably missing a number of obvious improvements, such as automatically adding the people you email to to the whitelist. However, confirmation systems have limited applications. Messages coming from a mailing list, for example, should obviously not be subjected to such a process. Which brings me to what really annoys me... "Out of Office" messages posted to mailing lists. Bob, if I cared that you were on vacation, I would have emailed YOU, not the list. More of these probably get through to Debian-Security than emails selling things like "Quality Software Cheap!" And at least QSC has some ironic humor in it when posted to a Debian list. And some of these OO messages aren't even in English! Don't misunderstand, I'm a big fan of linguistic diversity, and I think it's great that J'Bobidungule speaks... whatever that stuff is called. I'm not suggesting that OO messages should only be in English. In fact, I think that if you really HAVE to have an OO message, it should be in all the languages that you can read and write. And since a huge fraction of the legitimate messages to D-S (as it is apparently trendy to call it) are in English, I think almost everybody who is subscribed can read English. For that matter, most of the spams seem to be in English too, if you can call it that. If you know somebody who is subscribed to D-S and cannot read English, please translate this paragraph for them, I'd be very interested to know what they think and why they are subscribed to a list containing virtually zero messages that are accessible to them. And please, J'Bobidungule, add an English translation to your OO message, or, better still, stop sending it to the list.

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