Le Mercredi, 21 Décembre 2005 12.40, Johannes Wiedersich a écrit :
> steve wrote:
> > Le Mardi, 20 Décembre 2005 16.18, Michelle Konzack a écrit :
> >>But in ALL Internet Cafes I can use my own (selfmade) Debian Live-System
> >>with my prefered Desktop.  In all Internet Cafes i get an IP via DHCP.
> >
> > Wrong. I was in Milano (Italy) a few month ago, and I wanted to do
> > exactly that. The person at the desk looked at me as if I were a Martien
> > when I ask her if I could reboot the machine on my personnel Debian
> > live-cd. First, she didn't understand what all that was about, and second
> > she could'nt control my connection time, so she simply refused. Moreover,
> > in Italy you have to give an ID (they do a photocopy of it; she couldn't
> > tell me how long they keep it..)  to be able to use a computer in an
> > Internet Café (terrorism you know...).
> >
> > Sorry ;-)
> Wrong: in Europe you shouldn't mix Italy with France. 

right : you eat better in France than in Italy.

No, being serious again, I read Michelle's post a bit to fast and I mixed 
things up. I don't know why, but I thought she was thinking of Europe in her 

> I don't know 
> anything about Italian or French internet cafes,  but I would be really
> surprised, if there would be anything similar in the way their
> administration works.

You're right, they don't, politics is now the difference, at least in Internet 

> For Italy, no matter what you do or where you are, it is always a sure
> bet, that the person behind the counter (hotel, airport, etc. etc.
> internet cafe) won't allow anything 'unusual' without double and tripple
> checking with his/her boss.

.. who is rarely there. So Michelle's solution seems to be quite unrealistic.

> This usually means that you have to insist and wait.

I'm ok with waiting 5 minutes, but more is too much, especially when you're 
just looking for a theather's timetable and you're in a hurry (and the 
theather's phone is down. Own experience.)

> (In Italy 'unusual' means 'slightly different from normal'). 

I'll let you the responsability of that definition ;-)

> Short message: two countries in Europe (say Italy and France) are about
> as different from each other than any European country is from say the US.

I'm with you on that one. But living near France, I'm very much willing to go 
there and give it a try. Just for the sake of it. But, I don't know why, I 
feel that my live-cd won't be very much appreciated.. really too scary stuff, 
isn't it?

> Johannes


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