On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 11:40:24AM +0200, Izak Burger wrote:
> On 8/11/06, Christian Schuerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Isn't it strange that there is an DHCP client running on lo? I don't get 
> >the
> >point of doing that.

> The pid is the same for all three (29184), so it is obviously a
> process that binds to, and as a result, ends up listening on
> lo as well.  The man page actually states it best:

> --- snip ---
> The names of the network interfaces that dhclient should attempt to
> configure may be specified on the command line.   If  no  interface
> names  are specified on the command line dhclient will normally
> identify all network interfaces, eliminating non-broadcast interfaces
> if possible, and attempt to configure each interface.
> --- snip ---

It remains strange because normally, lo is a non-broadcast interface.


Nicolas Haller

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