The security team looks at the diffs for the patch to version 2 of the
software, identifies the parts that fix the bug in version 1 and manually
back port the bug fix to version 1. We end up with a Debian specific version
that doesn¹t introduce new dependencies or features. This works with great
success (through a huge amount of effort) the majority of the time. Some
packages are more difficult to do this with then others (i.e. Firefox ­ you
can search the archives of this list for specific details about why).

On 6/8/07 3:56 AM, "Frédéric PICA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, so apt-get update/upgrade -y in a cron job will work but what about my
> first question ?
> Lets say debian stable has foo-1.0 package.
> I does apt-get upgrade -y in my cron job and one day I have foo-1.0 updated to
> foo-1.0.1 for bugfix reason.
> Meanwhile the author of foo release version 2, debian stable will not upgrade
> the package because the version 2 add more features, have new dependencies,
> ...
> And now, the author release version 2.1 , a critical security fix, there is a
> flaw found from version 1 to 2.
> The debian security team does it's work and first try to backport the security
> fix but that time it's not possible so they have no other choice to package
> version 2.1 in the security channel.
> As version 2.1 has new dependencies requirements wich are not installed,
> apt-get upgrade will not update that package, right ?
> Even if in 99% of the time, this will work great, I can't let this 1%.
> I could let this 1% risk only if I have a way to be warned, the server sending
> me automatically a mail for example, but I think there is no way to do that
> because there is no way to interface ourself with apt (no plugin system at
> that time) 
> I am right ?
> FP
> 2007/6/7, Riku Valli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Frédéric PICA wrote:
>>> > Thanks for your answer,
>>> >
>>> > So I need to do an apt-get dist-upgrade in my cron job to be sure to
>>> > always have the latest security fixes ?
>>> > What's the risk to have a needed package uninstalled by that way ?
>>> >
>>> > My goal is to have the latest security fixes for a server, but I have
>>> > to be sure that dist-upgrade will not broke my server by removing
>>> > needed pacakges, for example mod_php for apache or things like that.
>>> >
>>> > FP
>>> >
>>> > 2007/6/7, Riku Valli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>>> > 
>>> >     Frédéric PICA wrote:
>>>> >     > Greets,
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > I saw in 'man apt-get' that using apt-get upgrade does not
>>> >     install new
>>>> >     > packages or remove an already installed package.
>>>> >     > Is it possible that I did'nt get the latest security fixes using
>>>> >     > apt-get upgade in a cron job ?
>>>> >     > I think particularly about security fixes that can't be
>>>> retro-ported 
>>>> >     > to the debian stable version and needs to upgrade the package to
>>>> >     > latest author available version, what's going on if the package
>>>> >     > dependencies changes ? Does the security patched will be installed
>>>> >     > with it's new dependencies anyway or does the package will not be
>>>> >     > upgraded ?
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > Thanks for your help,
>>>> >     > FP
>>>> >     >
>>>> >     > 
>>> >     Hi
>>> >
>>> >     apt-get upgrade only upgrade your packages for newer version. When
>>> >     package is upgraded this way at it need new extra packages, then
>>> >     upgrade
>>> >     can't upgrade your package. You must install it.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >     -- Riku
>>> >
>>> >
>> Hi
>> In normal case when you used Debian stable. You made only update/upgrade
>> and possible need switch -y (assume yes for every question). At stable
>> debencies normally never changes. This dist-upgrade is (at stable) only
>> used when you updated Debian releases from older to newer.
>> Older stable there was only one kernel upgrade which needed manually
>> intervention.
>> Maybe this is better explained man aptitude, see below.
>>       upgrade
>>            Upgrades installed packages to their most recent version.
>> Installed
>>            packages will not be removed unless they are unused (see the
>>            section "Managing Automatically Installed Packages" in the
>> aptitude
>>            reference manual); packages which are not currently installed
>> will
>>            not be installed.
>>            If a package cannot be upgraded without violating these
>>            constraints, it will be kept at its current version. Use the
>>            dist-upgrade command to upgrade these packages as well.
>>          dist-upgrade
>>            Upgrades installed packages to their most recent version,
>> removing
>>            or installing packages as necessary. This command is less
>>            conservative than upgrade and thus more likely to perform
>>            unwanted actions. Users are advised to either use upgrade
>>            instead or to carefully inspect the list of packages to be
>>            installed and removed.
>> -- Riku

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