> * Gabriele Giacone:
> > For example openjdk-6-source: source code is in both orig tarball and
> > openjdk-6-source binary package. This is a duplication, isn't it?
> First, the duplication refers to source packages.  Second,
> openjdk-6-source is like the emacs*-el packages, it provides IDE
> navigation support.
> > Regarding jedit, what about adding the creation of bsh-src binary
> > package, adding bsh-src to jedit's Build-Depends and applying jedit
> > patch at build time?
> You could use reflection or AOP for that so that you don't need source
> code at all.
> However, the correct way is to get the changes you need into the
> upstream version, or adjust the client code.  We do this for non-Java
> code all the time.

As I understood Gabriele, bsh is dead upstream, so it's actually up to Debian
maintainers of bsh and Gabriele to sort that out, I guess. I haven't yet
understood how intrusive that patch is, i.e., whether it breaks bsh core
functionality or merely extends bsh. Gabriele? bsh maintainers?


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