Hi Shirish,

2011/1/9 shirish शिरीष <shirisha...@gmail.com>

> But as I'm not a programmer hence would like the debian community to
> take a look at that , see if there are any inadverant goof-ups or
> anything before I take the plunge of applying the patch.

I'm not sure the community will look too sympathetically on this request.
Unless Jim Hill is the upstream committer, someone else will audit at any
upstream patch eventually, but if you want help faster than that, I can
think of two options that might be more fruitful for you:

   1. Ask instead for help understanding the code in the patch. It's the
   "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you
   feed him for life" principle: people are much more likely to volunteer to
   help you learn to perform patch audits than they are to volunteer to carry
   out patch audits for you. They might not hold your hand all the way, but I
   expect they'd at least try to help you get started. If you want real-time
   assistance with this sort of thing, IRC might be a good option.
   2. Pay a programmer to audit the patch for you: e.g. either someone you
   know or someone from a company you trust.

Good luck with your quest!
- spk

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