Florian Weimer <f...@deneb.enyo.de> (11/01/2011):
> Hash: SHA1
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Debian Security Advisory DSA-2122-2                   secur...@debian.org
> http://www.debian.org/security/                            Florian Weimer
> January 11, 2011                       http://www.debian.org/security/faq
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Package        : glibc
> Vulnerability  : missing input sanitization
> Problem type   : local
> Debian-specific: no
> CVE ID         : CVE-2010-3847 CVE-2010-3856
> Colin Watson discovered that the update for stable relased in
> DSA-2122-1 did not complete address the underlying security issue in
                            ↑ +ly

I obeyed the Reply-To, but maybe one should mail another address to
get typos fixed in the web version?


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