tags 625606 security


this bug introduces a new security hole, consider the following example:

        # cat /etc/fstab 
        /home /mnt none bind 0 0
        /home /mnt none bind,remount,ro 0 0
        # mount -v -a
        /home on /mnt type none (rw,bind)
        /home on /mnt type none (ro,bind)
        # mount | grep /mnt
        /home on /mnt type none (ro,bind)
        # pm-powersave true
        # mount | grep /mnt
        /home on /mnt type none (rw,bind,commit=600)

Notice how calling pm-powersave changes the mount options from read-only
to read-write. Since I'm actually using something like this on a server
to deliver read-only backups, this bug is quite serious for me. The
actual problem here is that "/usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/journal-commit"
calls "mount -o remount,commit=600 /mnt" in line 27 which overwrites the
previous mount options:

        # mount -v -a
        /home on /mnt type none (rw,bind)
        /home on /mnt type none (ro,bind)
        # mount | grep /mnt
        /home on /mnt type none (ro,bind)
        # mount -o remount,commit=600 /mnt/
        # mount | grep /mnt
        /home on /mnt type none (rw,bind,commit=600)

Since that bug now "makes unrelated software on the system break" AND
"introduces a security hole on systems where you install the package"
can we please raise the severity back to "critical" again?

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz

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