On Sat, Dec 07, 2013 at 10:55:30AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I chose phrasing of subject line to emphasize some peculiarities of
> my needs.
> End-user emphasizes:
>   - I am *NOT* an expert
>   - my system is never intended to be a "server"

Based on this I suggest you use a simple firewall tool (GUI-based) to setup a
basic firewall configuration. 

Firewall tools to setup a simple firewall from the Desktop:

- Gufw, for GNOME. Available in Debian in the 'gufw' package. 

- Guarddog, for KDE. It is available in Debian in the 'guarddog' package.
  More info at http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/

- Firestarter, for GNOME. It is available in Debian stable, but has, however, 
  been removed from testing and unstable (not supported upstream anymore it
  seems). More information at: http://www.fs-security.com/

In a basic setup of the firewall it will allow *all* outgoing connections
(regardless of the program) while block *all* incomming connections. This
might be helpul:

 - if you inadvertedly install a server-type software
 - if you mis-configure (or a package admin does) a desktop based software
   (such as cups) to listen to then network, consequently exposing your

> A couple months of reading has left me confused as to a suitable
> firewall.

Did you read the "Securing Debian Manual" - here

Granted, the content is not too up-to-date, but my answer is similar to what
you can find here:

> Any help/direction appreciated.

Hope the above helps. If you have suggestions on how to improve the "Securing
Debian Manual" please send them my way (patchs/diffs preferred :)



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