Hello everyone,

Michael web site with a statistic I've watching for time to
time. Also *Debian* Hardening wiki page I studied a couple of

*There is a lintian check for setuid binaries (...) **>*
* There isn't really any group effort tackling or monitoring **>*
* the assortment of useful hardening features (...) *

Are you trying to say, that this problem is almost without
checking, auditing etc.? You're right - there isn't really any
group effort tackling to adding/enabling additional Security
Features. *Ubuntu* and *openSUSE* doing perfectly job in this
arena. Both system using many interesting features, which
aren't available in *Debian*.

*Moritz* that's a full list of packages with a DSA over past
years? If so, it means that there almost every pkg's is
protected. Or maybe it's just an example. I wish I could
help, but I'm not right person for this type of things.

This is very interesting, that only one hour is enough to make changes.
 I would like to thank you because of
submitted patch!

Anyway, it could be very nice if *Debian* would start to
implement *AppArmor* for serious - put all effort on this
(yes, there is also *SELinux*) because it's very simple,
intuitive, contains many profiles etc. SELinux is also good,
but is complex. Of course there is *openSUSE* and *Ubuntu*
with *AppArmor* so everything is even easier.

In my opinion it's time to include more and more Security
Features into *Debian*. According to this I've a one question;
is there a possibility to releasing *Debian* with already
complied *grSec/PAX* kernel? If I remember correctly,
sometime ago there was similar project. Of course I mean

Best regards.

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