On Sat, Mar 01, 2014 at 02:17:05PM -0800, Leslie S Satenstein wrote:
> I am a casual Debian user and a person who has 50 years in IT.   My
> first comment is that the direction that other Linux distributions are
> taking is not the system V direction.  I am not a Linux Internals
> person, but there are many who are.  The consensus is that systemd is
> better and the right approach for now and the future.  I realize that
> the author of this email to which I am responding is upset. But, what
> should be done? Do a fork of Debian and that fork remains with Sys V?

There will be a split in Debian community for this decision for sure.
The split goes through Linux community in total.

I for myself will switch to DragonFly BSD if possible. The problem is,
that Linux today has the drivers. And because the political program of
the systemd guys to conquer the whole Linux world is successful,
everyone will be dependent on their APIs there in near future.

That makes some hope for the BSD world again. The good thing about Free
Software is the alternatives.

Volker Birk
Oberer Graben 4, 8400 Winterthur, Schweiz
mailto:v...@dingens.org  http://fdik.org

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