On Wed, 25 Jun 2014 23:43:36 -0500
Scott Blaydes <sblay...@netteksolutions.com> wrote:

> Doesn’t it make you wonder about a company who’s Privacy, Security
> and Compliance Officer can’t figure out how to get off of a mailing
> list that he had to subscribe to and verify his address for?

Yep - it's both amusing and horrifying.  He's not just the 'Privacy,
Security and Compliance Officer', but also the 'Manager, Technology
Security and Compliance'.  One can only hope his attention to detail is
greater when he's managing security and technology.

> I know, I am a jerk, but it was the first thing I thought of

I don't think that makes you a jerk at all.  IMHO one of the most
serious deteriorations in our profession has been the rise of slapdash,
non-technical, shoot-from-the-hip people to positions of power and
control. Raising your eyebrows at this trend does not make you a jerk.
It might make you humourless, but I'm sure that just applies to me :)

"Measure twice, cut once", either when cutting that plank, or altering
that firewall rule-set, or sending an email to a mailing list read by
hundreds of thousands of busy security engineers.

In the Elder Days, it was standard etiquette to read the archives of a
mailing list for a while before either subscribing or posting, so as to
learn whether the list was relevant & interesting without bothering its
thousands of regular readers with junk.  Sadly these courtesies seem
to be falling by the wayside.  Harumph :)

Ah well - yes, back to your regular programmes.

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