I'm not from the iceweasel team, but I can assure you that most, if not
all, of the bugs in Firefox have been accidental.

If you are concerned about privacy (which is a good thing!), then I
recommend that you use the Tor browser.

If you don't trust that because it's based on Firefox, then try to find
a browser that you do trust and tunnel it through Tor.

If you don't trust Tor, then I don't know, maybe you could use someone
else's computing device :)

On Fri, 08 May 2015 03:47:01 +0200
Weber <kwebe...@gmx.de> wrote:
> dear iceweasel team
> is it real that the bugs from mozilla and partners will never end?
> Dont you think there is a ns-agent at mozilla ? or even some at debian ?
> producing bugs and bugs and bugs....
> more and more
> instead of less....
> yes man it is ! Mozilla is a bought IP tracker and sniffer  .
> IPs going over Google Server,which Mozilla uses for own work.
> north korea has 1000 agents
> and the us about 5000 or more? china 10 000 ?
> Now guess...
> for this reason i will ask you to harden iceweasel
> and icedove with best sec settings and with best data privacy ,
> which i miss until today.
> no script is good, but it can be better.
> its not good to have a very fat browser changing every months its basic
> features and get fatter and fatter, open for  more fatter
> unsecure apps and modules.
> (which are now checked, ok , but not for privacy!
> mozilla does not give any possibility in the app store ,that developers
> can / Must fill out with privacy and sec options/info.
> why? )
> privacy is not ,when firefox-Icew.  opens any !!! TCP silly app checker
> or else after i start it.
> and is not ,if google servers are standard in background,
> or any other social shit configs in the background users never can read
> in front in an easy way,
> and is not , if any other soft is loaded while using it.
> and is not , if the code is getting a bubble to 80 MB
> and no one can find  a sec hole in one day.
> security and privacy is lost in debian ,too
> and  in mozilla for many years now.
> mozilla dont want to change this,because  they are not free
> anymore .
> this must be changed!
> money for programmers is good, but not in this way.
> they are big enough to make 200 mio without google.
> but they will not. they are in a hidden project as snowden told us.
> mozilla adverts in a very unfair way on their website
> with privacy, they lie to users,who dont know how to protect themselfs.
> mozilla does this special setting behind to hide it from normal users!
> thats bad !
> and they dont tell the users,what they do with the meta date they
> send to THIRD paries!
> ask them !
> now!
> and send us the answer.!
> come on.
> bug is a program.! bugs ar bought/payed by third partners/agencies
> !
> fuck this shit.
> sorry thats a bad work you do,and i ask you ,why nobody
> works against it or nobody wants to get rid of the trackers and
> perhaps sniffers.!?
> this linux is not the vision of the founders of Linux/GNU  for
> NON - sniffing , tracking  tools !
> do it better now, please.
> reduce code, delete remote chat app video code ,
> reduce any code which is is not stable and we dont need for html sites.
> we need no flash shit, no apps , we need
> a browser which is secure more than 2 days in the year!
> or:
> you create a second edition browser , which runs "lighter" and more
> secure / undependend as the original.
> if you can remember , as i dont know your age,
> firefox was working with 1 MB Code in version 1!
> it was good enough for the slowest flash/java/video  site or other
> much badder websites.
> now we have 80 times more code!!
> and about 20-50 more bugs each year! and very much critical bugs
> which can froze a window or remote exploit a debian or windows.
> firefox was a very good browser for a starter team ! until they startet
> the bug program ,
> infiltrating all people on earth as IE does ,as experts write in blogs....
> sometimes with the help of adobe flash.
> if you dont want to do anything, please leave debian
> and let others do this work.
> ps.
> we know that google sponsors debian too.
> they sponsor even german newspapers
> to get more profit and rights on the www market !
> thats not a way you should copy to GNU Linux.
> dont believe , if you type ps -ef , that you see all services
> on debian.its  infiltrated in many of the 20 000 apps.
> some  directly work with localhost  mozilla engine other web services.
> some are called "buffer overflow" on bug lists.
> and now tell me how much you get that mozilla and google ist
> on debian nr 1.
> ?
> regards
> weber
> Am 01.04.2015 um 18:10 schrieb Salvatore Bonaccorso:
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Debian Security Advisory DSA-3211-1                   secur...@debian.org
> > http://www.debian.org/security/                      Salvatore Bonaccorso
> > April 01, 2015                         http://www.debian.org/security/faq
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Package        : iceweasel
> > CVE ID         : CVE-2015-0801 CVE-2015-0807 CVE-2015-0813 CVE-2015-0815 
> >                  CVE-2015-0816
> > 
> > Multiple security issues have been found in Iceweasel, Debian's version
> > of the Mozilla Firefox web browser: Multiple memory safety errors,
> > use-after-frees and other implementation errors may lead to the
> > execution of arbitrary code, the bypass of security restrictions, denial
> > of service or cross-site request forgery.
> > 
> > For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed in
> > version 31.6.0esr-1~deb7u1.
> > 
> > For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed in
> > version 31.6.0esr-1.
> > 
> > We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.
> > 
> > Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
> > these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
> > found at: https://www.debian.org/security/
> > 
> > Mailing list: debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org
> > 
> > 

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