Hi Luciano and others,

AS AT: 2230(+0800) (1430(+0000)):

  * Imagemagick  version 8: is STILL NOT AVAILABLE at:


  * Aptitude (or apt-get) is unable to update as a result

Can you please ensure that the packages are at the correct location!!!

Does it have to be this hard?

Kind regards,

On 12/04/16 19:52, Luciano Bello wrote:
On Tuesday 12 April 2016 19.21.57 Bjoern Nyjorden wrote:
Imagemagick  version 8: is STILL NOT AVAILABLE at the
http://security.debian.org/ server.

I'm very concerned about this.  Will the updated version be uploaded soon?

It should be now. It appears in https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/imagemagick

Cheers, luciano

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