For PDFs you can use exiftool from the libimage-exiftool-perl to remove

        exiftool -all= example.pdf

This works for me.


On 10.11.2016 02:42, wrote:
> This email is in response to
> I relied on MAT (Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit) on a daily basis to remove 
> the metadata from PDFs as it is a requirement for my job. I must have this 
> ability. I appreciate the effort to fix this bug but it was not a major issue 
> for me because the PDFs I encounter did not have images. Now that MAT cannot 
> deal with PDFs at all, I am forced to use Windows (which I hate) because I 
> cannot find a suitable alternative to MAT. 
> Can anyone please suggest a Debian solution to my current problem? I am 
> assuming that Debian Stretch Stable (2017 release) will have an updated 
> version of MAT that will again process PDFs? But what can I do until then to 
> be able to meet my work demands?

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